Quick Guide - Analytics Dashboard and Survey Overview
Once you have completing screening for your year group or school, you are able to review the results in the analytics dashboard, which will give you an aggregated overview of your school’s data. This functionality is useful to support senior leadership teams decision making and strategic planning around the wellbeing needs of your school, or cluster. If you are directly involved in providing support to students, then you also also able to drill down to individual level results to support targeted interventions.
The Analytics Dashboard
You can access the analytics dashboard from the icon on your navigation pane from the home screen (see screenshot left). The icons you can see on your navigation pane will depend on your level of user access. From the analytics dashboard you will be able to view either the Analytics Dashboard – Aggregate Data Access or Analytics Dashboard – Individual Data Access.
From the analytics dashboard landing page, you can select the survey template you wish to review, year and specific survey, as well as honing on specific sections or indicators, or reviewing by year group

Once you have selected your parametres you will be able to view the analytics dashboard, with pie charts displaying the student’s responses to the selected survey. If you have individual data access, you can drill down from the pie charts to see the list of students and their responses for further action.

From here you are then able to export those lists of students into excel for further action, such as calling them into a workshop, or further follow up. The export to excel function is password protected; your personal password will op up when you click on the export to excel button. Once you enter the password the following data will be displayed:

For more information around the export to excel functionality, refer to the Response Dashboard User Guide.
The Survey Overview will be of particular use for larger schools who may have multiple surveys running at a time. You will be able to see how your surveys are progressing, the number of surveys in progress and complete, as well as the numbers of alerts and date of last activity. This supports schools reporting their progress with their wellbeing screening within the school. Permission for the survey overview function is linked to access to the analytics dashboard.

Existing users will automatically be granted access to these two new elements of platform functionality. New users will need to select these access permissions. For more information around granting user access, refer to the Response Dashboard User Guide.
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