Contact Me Alerts
Once you have dealt with the highest priority students (those that have triggered critical alerts) you may wish to consider other risk categories. One of the new features in the Version 3 of the Wellbeing Survey was the ‘Contact Me’ alert being linked to those students who have requested support with their lifestyle behaviours such as drinking, smoking, vaping and losing sleep due to online time.
To look at those students who have triggered the ‘Contact Me’ button it is best to do this from the survey search function. The Search function is the better option to search responses once a survey is closed, and Alerts is best used to find those critical alerts while the survey is running.
Login to GoodSpace Schools here: app.goodspaceschools.com
Click on round logo for student survey access or rectangle logo for response dashboard
Finding students who have triggered ‘Contact Me’ alerts:
Select the Search function button form the left-hand navigation pane:
Check the appropriate boxes:
Select the survey you are currently working through
Select the academic year
Select status of surveys e.g. if it is still running you may want to just select those how have completed or all if most should have finished
Select the ‘Contact me’ alert type
Select the appropriate school year group
You do not need to select a score (this is required for the Wellbeing Check-in)
Outcome status – if you have already completed a review for the critical or high alerts you may wish to select all for the purpose of finding all those who wanted help with certain behaviours or issues
Click on search
A list of students who have checked the support boxes in the relevant questions triggering a ‘Contact Me’ alert in the survey will appear in the bottom half of the screen.
Select a student response to bring up the student survey dashboard:
As you can see from the student dashboard this student has triggered six ‘Contact me’ alerts.
Check the Contact Me check box at the top right of the survey Responses page (shown here in a red oval). This will then show the number of questions where the student has asked for help in each section (circled in red), and show the relevant questions by displaying a green ‘CM’ under each question number (circled in red).
There are five possibilities to request help in the toku tinana (self-care) section; with pornography, drinking, smoking, vaping and reducing time spent online. There is also one in whānau/toku kainga (family/home life) if the student would like help with financial struggles. You can add a note against each of the Contact me alerts so the support they have requested can be seen as a summary under ‘Notes’
See below for an example of notes:

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