Impulse Control and Risk Taking
During adolescence, individuals experience a significant increase in impulsivity and risk-taking behavior due to ongoing brain development and social changes. Impulse control is the ability to resist immediate urges or desires and choose a more rational response. However, in adolescence, this ability is not fully developed, which can lead to impulsive behavior and decision making.
Adolescents also tend to engage in risky behaviors such as substance use, reckless driving, and unprotected sex, which can have long-term negative consequences. Parents, educators, and healthcare professionals can play a crucial role in helping adolescents develop better impulse control and make more informed decisions by providing guidance, education, and support,
The GoodSpace Wellbeing Screening tool does ask students questions about impulse control and risk taking. On its ow this isn't a signal. However if there is a student who has impulse control concerns and another risk, ie. suicidal ideation or substance use, it may be prudent to review them in advance of others.
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