Analytics Dashboard

Aggregate Analytics
Enable senior leadership teams to see the bigger picture across school and individual year groups
Data-led approach to planning and proactively managing demand for wellbeing services at scale
Understand the issues impacting learning and the severity across school and at a year group level
Measure effectiveness of interventions and track outcomes
Plan health promotion activities and programmes based on actual interest and demand
Plan curriculum based on actual need reinforced by data
Understand the issues impacting learning and the severity across school and at a year group level

Ability to gain deeper understanding of an issue
For example: type of bulling involved

Individual Analytics
Increase focus on prevention and early interventions using early indicator data
Identify students who should receive group interventions or follow-up
Ability to filter by specific response or responses to a question and identify list of students for group follow-up
Ability to click on a graph and view individual student list and responses

Ability to filter by specific response(s) and identify list of students for group follow-up

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