Quick Start Guide - Wellbeing Check-In
Login to GoodSpace Schools here: app.goodspaceschools.com
Click on round logo for student survey access or rectangle logo for response dashboard
Publishing a survey:
Go to Survey Templates
Select a survey from either ‘survey templates’ for a standard GoodSpace Template or ‘School Surveys’ to reuse a template you have created before
Click on it and enter the details on the right-hand side of the screen
Select two characters to complete the unique survey code (note - do not use numbers like zero (0), one (1) or letters like (I, O, U or V) that could sometimes be mistaken)
Create survey name (note – do not use / in the survey name as this can cause issues)
Select the year group/s you want to survey by checking the box in front of the description
Set start date and time
Usually select a gap between the last date someone can start the survey and last day for submission so you ca follow up any surveys that are not completed in between those dates
Edit Welcome and Thank You message – usually schools just change the wellbeing team name but it is important that who has access to the platform and the data is reflected in the text
Save as Draft – if all the details are correct then Publish
Cut and paste the survey code from the Survey Templates or the Home Screen to send to students
Example text for students:
Thanks for taking this short survey today - it should literally only take you one minute to complete! We would love to get an idea of how you are doing at the moment. This survey asks you five very short questions about the last two weeks. You then select which answer fits best for you for each question. Please be honest in your answers. It is important to know what you really think and are experiencing, not what you believe is the right answer. This is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers.
Cut and paste into your browser the GoodSpace Schools URL: app.goodspaceschools.com
Enter the survey code
Enter your student id
Complete your details
Start the survey – its five short and simple questions that ask how you have been feeling in the last two weeks and in the final question you can also say if you would like me to get in touch with you.
Your answers will be stored securely and not shared with anyone except [team name]. If we think you might benefit from extra support, we will meet with you to figure out what you think will be most helpful. In the final question you can also let us know if you would like me to get in touch with you.
Quick Triage Guide
Quick reminder for triaging the Wellbeing Check-In responses:
Once the survey is complete you can quickly triage those that you need to follow up by going to the alerts icon on the left hand side of the screen and entering:
Alert Type: Uncheck all boxes
Status: Check completed
School Year: Check Year
Score: Enter score 0 – 28 for highest priority, then repeat 29-50 for next priority group
Outcome status: Not reviewed
After this you can also search for any students who may not have had a low score but who have answered a question with a zero (at no time) response:
Alert Type: Check High box only
Status: Completed
School Year: Check Year
Score: Leave blank
Outcome status: Not reviewed
After this you can also search for any students who may not have a low score, or triggered a zero high alert but who have requested that you contact them:
Alert Type: Check Contact me box only
Status: Completed
School Year: Check Year
Score: Leave blank
Outcome status: Not reviewed
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